[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 12th, 2024: SLIPFORM

Definition: SLIPFORM*SLIPFORMED*SLIPFORMING*SLIPFORMS v to construct with the use of a mold in which concrete is placed to set

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: slipformS

Ana-hooks: sAlpiform

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: implorEs pilIform pisIform profilEs

Extensions: slipformED slipformING

Sub-anagrams: fil film films filo filos fils fir firm firms firs flip flips flir flirs flop flops foil foils fop fops for form forms fro from if ifs imp impro impros imps is ism li limo limos limp limps lip lipo lipos lips lis lisp lo lop lops lor loris mi mil milf milfs milo milos mils mips mir mirs mis miso mo moi moil moils mol mols mop mops mor mors mos of oi oil oils om oms op ops or ors os pi pis piso po poi pois pol polis pols pom poms porism pos prim primo primos prims prism pro prof profs prom proms pros psi rif rifs rim rims rip rips roil roils rolf rolfs rom romp romps roms si silo sim simp sip sir slim slip slop so soil sol soli som sop sori spoil sri

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