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Membership Committee

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The Membership Committee is a NASPA committee. Its mandate is to service association membership needs. To contact the committee, please send an email message to membership@scrabbleplayers.org.


The following members currently belong to the committee:

[photo of John Chew]
ex officio
[photo of Judy Cole]
ex officio
[photo of Lisa Kessler]
[photo of Tony Leah (EX)]
[photo of Michael Willis]

The following members have served past terms on the committee:

[photo of Chris Cree (SM)] Chris Cree (SM)
ex officio
[photo of Mad Palazzo] Mad Palazzo
[photo of Larry Rand (EX)] Larry Rand (EX)
[photo of Susan Hoehn] Susan Hoehn
[photo of John Robertson] John Robertson
[photo of Dallas Johnson] Dallas Johnson
ex officio
[photo of Rich Baker] Rich Baker
ex officio


Committee members should familiarize themselves with the Membership Committee Procedures guide, and update this document to keep clear track of current procedures.

The Committee has the following items on its agenda:

  • recruit additional members
  • prepare a long-term plan for what membership means (see also current membership policy)
    • how many tiers of membership there should be
    • eligibility for sanctioned tournaments
    • electronic newsletter access
    • print newsletter subscription
    • lifetime membership / “founding member” status
    • determine the cost of each tier of membership
    • determine the benefits of each tier of membership
  • work with the Web Committee to implement an online membership database and payment system
  • provide ongoing support for membership status inquiries


Committee members have access to the following online tools: