== Recent Mention ==
* November 22, 2014: [[John Chew]] leads off a [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-30157695 BBC News story] about the [[2014 World SCRABBLE Championship]].
* November 21, 2014: [[Jesse Matthews]], [[John Chew]], [[Adam Logan]] and others featured in a [http://www.aljazeera.com/video/europe/2014/11/war-words-at-scrabble-contest-20141121202349147100.html story about the 2014 World SCRABBLE Championship] on AlJazeera.com.
* November 21, 2014: [[John Chew]] quotes briefly in a [BBC News story http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-30139374] about the [[2014 World SCRABBLE Championship]].
* November 10, 2014: [[Evan Berofsky]] featured in an article in the [http://www.theoaklandpress.com/general-news/20141110/scrabble-brought-more-than-expected-to-oxford-based-competitive-player-headed-to-london-tournament Oakland Press].
* August 27, 2014: [[Robin Pollock Daniel]] quotes about the new words on the [http://thecolbertreport.cc.com/videos/8ye61k/scrabble-s-updated-dictionary Colbert Report].