Definition: not available
Anagrams: holibuts
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: (none)
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: bAilouts bluNtish botuliNs botulisM bulLshit bulLshot Fishbolt hAlibuts hAlitous hAutbois outblUsh tAboulis uRoliths
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: bhut bhuts bi bio bios bis bish bit bito bitos bits blist blot blots bluish blush bo boh bohs boil boils bolt bolts bolus bos bosh bot both bots boult boults bout bouts buhl buhls built buist bus bush bust but buts hi hilt hilts hilus his hist hit hits ho hob hobs hoi hoist holibut holist hols holt holts hos host hot hots hout houts hub hubs hui huis huso hut huts io ios is ish iso it its li lib libs lis list lit lith litho lithos liths lits litu lo lob lobi lobs lobus los losh lost lot loth loti lots lotus louis lout loutish louts luit lush lust ob obi obis obit obits obs oh ohs oi oil oils os ou oubit oubits oust out outs sh shit shot shout shul shut si sib silo silt sit sith slit slob slot sloth slub sluit slut so sob soh soil sol soli sot soth sou soul sout south st stilb stob stub sub subito sublot subtil sui suit thio thiol thiols this tho tholi tholus thou thous thus ti til tils tis to toil toils tolu tolus tosh tub tubs tui tuis tush uh us ut utis (and 1 more)
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