[NSA Word of the Day]

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May 16th, 2020: MOSCHATE

Definition: MOSCHATE adj musky

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: moschateL

Ana-hooks: chemostaT chRomates hecatomBs moUstache stomacheD stomacheR

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: achIotes aPothems cathoDes cathoUse chaYotes choLates chRomate comatOse eschaLot heaDmost hecatomB hematIcs hemostaT homestaY hotcaKes machetEs maNchets mastIche matcheRs mIsteach mUstache oUtshame schematA schmatTe someWhat soUtache stomachS stomachY tachIsme teRaohms thoRaces

Extensions: moschateLS

Sub-anagrams: ace aces ache aches acme acmes act acts ae ah ahem ahs am as ascot ash at ate ates atom atoms cam came cameo cameos cames camo camos cams case cash cast caste cat cate cates cats cesta cham chams chao chaos chase chasm chaste chat chats cheat cheats chem chemo chemos chems chest chose coast coat coats coma comae comas comate comates come comes comet cometh comets comsat comte comtes cos coset cosh cost costa costae cot cote cotes cots each east eat eath eats echo echos echt eco ecos eh em emo emos ems es escot est et eta etas etch eth ethos eths ha hae haem haems haes haet haets ham hame hames hams hao has hast haste hat hate hates hats he heat heats hem hems hes hest het hets hm ho hoe hoes hom homa homas home homes homs hos hose host hosta hot hots ma mac mace maces mach mache maches macho machos machs macs mae maes mahoe mahoes mas mascot mash mast mat match matches mate mates math maths mats me meat meats mech mechs meh mes mesa mesh met meta meth meths mho mhos mo moa moas moat moats moc mocha mochas (and 133 more)

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