[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 18th, 2020: CHAPLET

Definition: CHAPLET*CHAPLETS n a wreath for the head

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: chapletS

Ana-hooks: chaptRel plaNchet pOtlache

'Typos': chamlet

Blana-grams: acAleph alethIc aphetIc aRchlet capelEt capletS cathOle chaetAl chaletS chapelS chapteR chatTel cheaplY chelatE chOlate clapNet ectYpal epOchal ethIcal hacKlet haplIte hatcHel heEltap helLcat hepatIc hepcatS latcheD latcheS latcheT patcheD patcheR patcheS pelLach placAte placetS placKet plaNche plaShet plectRa plIcate pOlecat pOtlach Repatch Satchel Splatch taphOle tRachle

Extensions: chapletED

Sub-anagrams: ace ach ache act ae ah al ale alec aleph alp alt ape apt at ate calp cap cape caph caple caplet cat cate cel celt cep ch cha chal chalet chap chape chapel chapt chat che cheap cheat chela clap clapt clat cleat clept ea each eat eath ech echt eclat eh el elt epact epha et eta etch eth ethal ha hae haet hale halt hap hat hate he heal heap heat help hep hepcat hept het la lac lace lacet lah lap lat latch late lath lathe lea leach leap leapt leat lech lep lept lepta let letch pa pac pace pact pah pal pale palet pat patch pate path pe pea peach peal peat pec pech peh pela pelt pelta pet petal ph phat pht place placet plat plate plea pleach pleat ta tace tach tache tae tael talc tale tap tape te tea teach teal tech tel tela tepa tepal thae the theca thecal

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