Definition: INCHOATE adj being in an early stage
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: aitchBone anchoRite antechoiR cheLation
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: acetoniC achioteS aconiteS actioneD actioneR anchoRet anechoiC anoRetic anoRthic antheMic antiheRo aSthenic atechniC canoeiSt cateChin catenoiD cenotaPh chantieS chatLine cheatinG chitoSan coinMate conatiVe cReation echinatE enactioN ethicIan ethnicaL eXaction haPtenic hoactZin inFotech inVocate Jacinthe naNotech notchieR Phonetic Reaction Sonicate taconiTe teachinG technoiD thionaTe
Extensions: inchoateLY inchoateNESS inchoateNESSES
Sub-anagrams: ace acetin ache achiote acne aconite act actin action ae aeon aeonic ah ahi ai ain ait aitch an ancho ane ani ant ante anti antic at ate atone atonic cain can cane canoe cant canthi canto cat cate cation cent centai cento chai chain chaine chant chao chat cheat chi chia chiao chin china chine chino chit chiton chon ciao cine cion cite coat coati coin con cone coni conte cot cotan cote each eat eath echo echt eco eh en enact enatic entia eon et eta etch eth ethic ethion ethnic etic etna ha hae haen haet haint hance hant hao hat hate he heat hen hent het hi hic hie hin hint hit ho hoe hon hone hot ice ich icon in inch into ion iota it itch na nacho nae nah naoi natch ne neat neath net nice niche nit nite no noetic noh not nota notch note notice nth oat oaten oath oca ocean och oche octan octane oe oh ohia oi on once oncet one ontic otic ta tace tach tache taco tae tain tan tao te tea teach tec tech techno tein ten tench tenia thae than thane the theca thein then thin (and 16 more)
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