[NSA Word of the Day]

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December 8th, 2012: SORORATE

Definition: SORORATE*SORORATES n the marriage of a man usually with his deceased wife's sister

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: sororateS

Ana-hooks: oPerators oratorIes oVerroast ratooNers resoNator rotaTores toreaDors

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aBorters aCroters aerAtors aNtrorse arBorets arrestoR asSertor asSorter Creators Garrotes oPerator oratresS oUtroars Praetors Prorates Protores ratooNer reaCtors reaLtors rearMost reasSort reDroots reLators restoraL restrooM roaDster roarIest roasterS roosterS rootaGes rootsIer roseoLar roseroOt rostraTe rotarIes rotaTors taBorers tearooMs toHeroas toreaDor trooPers

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae aero aeros ar are ares aret arets arose arrest arret arrets ars arse art arts as aster at ate ates ea ear ears earst eas east eat eats er era eras eros err errs ers erst es est estro et eta etas oar oars oast oat oater oaters oats oe oes oo oor oos oose oot oots or ora orate orates orator orators ore ores orra ors ort orts os osar ose rare rares rarest ras rase raser rast raster rat rate rater raters rates rato ratoo ratoos ratos rats re rear rears reast res resat resort rest ret retro retros rets roar roars roast roaster roate roates roe roes roo roos roosa roose rooser roost rooster root rooter rooters roots rore rores rort rorts rose roset rost roster rostra rot rota rotas rote rotes roto rotor rotors rotos rots sae sar sartor sat sate sea sear seat ser sera serr serra set seta so soar soare soarer soot soote sora sore sorer sorra sort sorter sot st star stare starer starr stear stoa stoae stoor store storer strae ta tae taes tao taos tar tare tares taro taros tarre tarres tars tas taser te tea tear tears teas (and 29 more)

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