Definition: SHEROOT*SHEROOTS n cheroot
Anagrams: hooters reshoot shooter soother
Hooks: sherootS
Ana-hooks: Cheroots hooPster orthoseS oVershot reshootS resMooth shooterS sMoother sootherS theorBos toheroAs
'Typos': cheroot
Blana-grams: Asthore Booster Boshter Bothers Chooser Cohorts Cooters Dehorts eArshot eNroots eXhorts Foetors Footers Fothers hAroset heCtors herIots herooNs hetEros hoIster hoLster hooFers hooKers hooPers hootIer hooVers horNets horsteS hostLer hotroDs hotTers Looters Mooters Mothers oNshore oorIest orthRos oVerhot Poorest Pooters Porthos Pothers reBoots reFoots retooLs rhetoRs roChets roosteD roosteR rooteRs rootIes rootLes rotChes rotheRs sCooter shorteD shorteN shorteR shortIe shoUter sMother sootheD sootheS sootIer sorehoN soroChe soUther stooKer stooPer strooKe stroPhe theorBo therMos thoroNs thorPes threNos throNes throWes toChers toeshoE toheroA tooLers toorIes tooTers torChes toreRos tosherS toshIer troChes
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: eh ehs er eros ers erst es est estro et eth ethos eths he her hero heros hers hes hest het hets ho hoe hoer hoers hoes hoo hoot hooter hoots hore hors horse horst horste hos hose host hot hote hots oe oes oh oho ohos ohs oo ooh oohs oor oos oose oot oots or ore ores ors ort ortho orthos orts os ose other others re reh rehs res resh reshot rest ret rets rho rhos roe roes roo roos roose roost root roots rose roset rost rot rote rotes roto rotos rots ser set sh she shet shoe shoer shoo shoot shore short shot shote so soh soho soot soote sooth soothe sore sort sot soth st stoor store te tehr tehrs tes the tho thoro those thro throe throes to toe toes toho tohos too tor tore tores toro toros torose tors torse torso tose tosh tosher tres
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