[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 12th, 2009: STOLONIC

Definition: STOLONIC adj

Anagrams: colonist

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: colonistS colonitIs cotilLons locAtions locUtions noctilIos

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: cloisonS coCtions coitIons colistIn coloniCs coloniEs colonisE coloRist contRols coolAnts coontiEs coPilots coRtisol cotilLon Eclosion inosItol isotonIc Kilotons lEctions linocUts linstocK locAtion locUtion looniEst lootinGs noctilIo octAnols oilstonE oRcinols scHolion scontioN scootinG snootilY solAtion solitonS solUtion stoolinG tElsonic toolinGs

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cion cions cis cist cit cito cits clint clints cloison clon clons cloot cloots clot clots coil coils coin coins coit coits col colin colins colon coloni colons cols colt colts con coni cons consol conto contos coo cool cools coon coons coos coosin coost coot coots cos cost cot cots icon icons in ins into io ion ions ios is iso it its li lin lino linos lins lint lints lion lions lis list lit lits lo loci loco locos loin loins loo loon loons loos loot loots los lost lot loti lotic lotion lotions loto lotos lots nicol nicols nil nils nis nit nits no noil noils nolo nolos noo nos nostoc nostoi not oi oil oils oint oints olio olios on oncost ons onst ontic onto oo oon oons oont oonts oos oot oots os otic sciolto scion scolion scoot scot si sic silo silt sin sit slit sloot slot snit snool snoot snot so soc soil sol soli solion solito soliton solo solon son sonic soon soot sot sotol st stoic stoln stolon stool ti tic tics til tils tin tins tis to toc toco tocos tocs tocsin toil toils toison ton tonic tonics tons tonsil (and 5 more)

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