Definition: SANTERO*SANTEROS n a priest of santeria
Anagrams: atoners senator treason
Hooks: santeroS
Ana-hooks: anCestor antroRse asSentor Baronets earstonE enaCtors estraGon Monstera neGators notarIes onstreaM oPerants oUtearns Pronates Proteans resonaNt resonatE seaFront senatorS senorIta starnoSe tonearMs treasonS
'Typos': santera
Blana-grams: aerosAt anestrI anotHer antHers antLers antsIer arenosE arenoUs arGents aroInts aroYnts arPents atonIes atTorns Banters Baronet Boaster Boaters Boranes Borates Canoers Canters Cantors Carnets Cartons Coarsen Coaster Coaters Contras Corneas Cornets Cratons Donates earnEst earsHot eastErn enaCtor enaMors enroOts entraPs erasIon erRants esParto estronE etaLons Frontes Garnets Garotes Hoarsen Hornets Loaners Maestro Martens Matrons Mentors Moaners Monster narCose nastIer natroNs natTers natUres nearEst neCtars neGator nestorS noNarts norItes notaTes oarsMen oCtanes oestrIn oLestra onaGers onstaGe oPerant oranGes orGeats orIents osetraS osSetra oUtearn Parents Partons Pastern Patrons Persona Postern Pronate Protean Proteas ranKest ranteRs ratInes ratIons ratoOns ratTens ratTons reasonS reBatos reBoant reCants reCoats reKnots reLoans rentaLs retaIns retInas retsIna roasteD roasteR roDents roseatE rotaTes saLtern santoOr santoUr sarMent sarSnet saUnter sCanter seaPort senHora senoraS serRano serVant sHorten sMarten snorteD snorteR sorBate sorBent soUtane staIner stanDer stearIn stenTor sternaL stonerS stonIer storaGe stranGe tanKers tanNers tanreCs tarPons taVerns tenoUrs tensorS teoPans tHenars tHrones toasTer toLanes tonearM tonGers tonNers tonsUre torsaDe tranCes transoM trePans Versant Wanters
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ae aeon aeons aero an ane anes ant ante antes antre antres ants ar are ares arose ars arseno arson art arts as aster astern at ate ates atone atoner atones ear earn earns ears east eat eats en ens eon eons er era eras ern erns eros ers erst es et eta etas etna etnas na nae naos nares nates ne near nears neat neats nerts nest nestor net nets no noes nor nos nose not nota note noter noters notes oar oars oast oat oaten oater oaters oats oe oes on one ones ons onset or ora orate orates ore ores ornate ors ort orts os osar ose osetra ran rant rants ras rase rat rate rates rato ratos rats re reason rent rents res resat rest ret rets roan roans roast roe roes rose roset rot rota rotas rote rotes rots sae sane saner santo sat sate sea sear seat sen senor senora sent ser sera set seta seton snare snore snort snot so soar son sonar sone sora sore sorn sort sorta sot stane star stare steno stern sterna stoa stoae stone stoner store ta tae tan tans tao taos tar tare tares tarn tarns taro (and 40 more)
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