[NSA Word of the Day]

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February 20th, 2005: THREAP


Anagrams: tephra teraph

Hooks: threapS

Ana-hooks: Chapter paNther patCher phatTer phOrate prehEat repatCh tephraS therapY

'Typos': thread threat threep

Blana-grams: aethEr aNther arpeNt Bather Bertha Breath Carpet Dearth Depart earthS earthY eMpath eNrapt eNtrap eparCh epatEr Father Gather haFter haLter haMper hapteN harpeD harpeR haterS hatreD hatTer haUter heapEr heartH heartS heartY heatEr hepCat heptaD herEat Lather paLter pareNt parGet parteD parteR paSter paterS patTer patZer petarD phaSer phraSe phreaK pIrate pLater pOther prateD prateR prateS pratIe preaCh preaCt pretaX prOtea prUtah raChet raphAe rapheS ratheR rehEat repaSt repEat retapE rhapHe Seraph Shaper Sherpa Spathe taMper taperS tapPer thaLer thaWer theNar thOrpe thraVe trapeS treFah trepaN Uprate Uptear Wreath

Extensions: threapED threapER threapERS threapING

Sub-anagrams: ae ah ape aper apt apter ar are art at ate ear earth eat eath eh epha er era et eta eth ha hae haet hap hare harp hart hat hate hater he heap hear heart heat hep her het pa pah par pare part pat pate pater path pe pea pear peart peat peh per pert pet phat pht prat prate rah rap rape raphe rapt rat rate rath rathe re reap rep ret rhea ta tae tahr tap tape taper tar tare tarp te tea tear tepa thae the trap

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