[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 18th, 2019: SITHENCE

Definition: SITHENCE adv since

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: Dehiscent eUthenics hesitAnce Phenetics stenchieR

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Asthenic centesiS centiLes centiMes chAnties cheDites cheesinG chestieR cheWiest chieFest chintseS chintZes chRisten chUtnees cineAste citheRns cithRens cYsteine echinAte enRiches enteRics entheTic enticeRs estheTic etchinGs Fetiches Genetics heRetics ichnItes Kitchens necKties nescieNt nicetIes nitchIes Pectines Phenetic secRetin seethinG seicentO sheetinG snitcheD snitcheR snitcheS stencheS techiesT techniCs tenesMic theeLins thicKens tRenches

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: cee cees cense cent cents cesti cete cetes chest chi chin chine chines chins chinse chints chis chit chits cine cines cis cist cite cites eche eches echt eh en ens entice entices es esne est et etch etches eth ethic ethics ethnic ethnics eths etic etics he heist hen hence hens hent hents hes hest het hets hi hic hie hies hin hins hint hints his hisn hist hit hits ice ices ich ichs in incest inch inches ins insect inset is it itch itches its ne nee neist nest net nets nice nicest niche niches niece nieces nit nite nites nits nth scene scent sec sect see seen sei seiche seine sen sene sent sente senti set sh she sheen sheet shen shent shin shine shit shite si sic sice sin since sine sinh sit site sith snit snitch stein stench sthenic stich te tec tech techie techies techs tecs tee teen teens tees tein teins ten tench tenches tenesi tens tense tes the thee thein theine theines theins then thence thens these thin thine thins this ti tic tics tie ties tin tine tines tins tis

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