[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 11th, 2004: SOLATION

Definition: SOLATION*SOLATIONS n the act of solating

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: Isolation solationS

Ana-hooks: Boltonias isolatIon loBations loCations noPalitos oBlations oPtionals solVation tonsoRial toRsional

'Typos': solution

Blana-grams: alAtions aMotions antiloGs antlioNs Boltonia Boniatos Colonist Coolants Elations inosItol insolatE isoGonal isolatoR Kilotons lanositY loBation loCation looniEst lootinGs Moonsail Motional noPalito notioNal oBlation oCtanols oilstonE oPtional oRations oRtolans ostinaTo ostiolaR oVations Platoons snootilY solatinG solitonS stalLion stoloniC stoolinG toEnails tonsilaR toolinGs

Extensions: DEsolation INsolation IsolationS CONsolation DEsolationS INsolationS CONsolationS IsolationISM IsolationIST IsolationISMS IsolationISTS POSTIsolation DISCONsolation DISCONsolationS

Sub-anagrams: ai ail ails ain ains ais ait aits al alist alit aloin aloins als also alt alto altos alts an ani anil anils anis ant anti antis ants as at in ins instal into ion ions iota iotas is it its la lain las last lat lati latino latinos lats li lias lin lino linos lins lint lints lion lions lis list lit litas lits lo loan loans loin loins loo loon loons loos loot loots lost lot lota lotas loti lotion lotions loto lotos lots lotsa na nail nails naoi naos nil nils nit nits no noil noils nolo nolos noo nos not nota notal oast oat oats oi oil oils olio olios on ono onos ons onto oot oots os ostia sail sain saint sal salon saloon salt san santo santol sat sati satin si sial silo silt sin sit slain slant slat slit slot snail snit snool snoot snot so soil sol sola solan solano soli solion soliton solo solon son soon soot sot sotol stain stanol stoa stoai stolon stool ta tail tails tain tains tali talion talions talon talons tan tans tao taos tas ti tian tians til tils tin tins tis to toil toils (and 14 more)

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