Definition: HALTERE*HALTERES n a pair of wings of an insect
Anagrams: leather
Hooks: haltereD haltereS
Ana-hooks: etherEal lathereD lathereR leatherN leatherS leatherY Pleather
'Typos': halters
Blana-grams: aetherS alerteD alerteR altereD altereR atelIer athleTe Blather Bleater Blether Breathe Cheater Chelate earhOle eartheD eartheN earthlY elaterS eNteral eNthral eterNal eXalter Feather halBert harSlet haVerel healerS hearteD hearteN heaterS heatHer heCtare heeltaP heKtare hetaerA latherS latherY lathIer leaCher letheaN lOather Petrale Pleater Preheat Prelate rathOle realeSt realteR reCheat reFlate reheatS relateD relateR relateS rePlate reSlate retaBle reteaCh Shelter Slather Stealer teaCher teleraN telPher tereFah thalerS theaTer theaTre thereaT therMae therMal therMel traChle treaCle treaDle trehalA Weather Whereat Wreathe
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ae aether ah al ale alee alert alt alter ar are arete art artel at ate ear earl earth eat eater eath eel eh el elate elater er era ere et eta eth ether ha hae haet hale haler halt halter hare harl hart hat hate hater he heal healer hear heart heat heater heel her here hereat herl het la lah lar laree lat late later lath lathe lather lea lear lee leer leet lehr let lethe rah rale rat rate ratel rath rathe re real ree reel reheat relate relet ret rete rhea ta tae tael tahr tale taler tar tare te tea teal tear tee teel tel tela telae tele thae thaler the thee there three tree
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