Definition: HYDRATE*HYDRATED*HYDRATING*HYDRATES v to combine with water
Anagrams: thready
Hooks: hydrateD hydrateS
Ana-hooks: (none)
'Typos': hydrase
Blana-grams: aIrthed Breadth Breathy Charted dearthS deathLy deNtary dIetary dIthery earthEd earthLy Gyrated hardeSt hardSet hatredS hayrIde heartEd hydraNt hydrIae Lathery Lyrated Strayed theraPy thraWed threadS traGedy traShed Wrathed Wreathy yaChted yaChter
Extensions: DEhydrate REhydrate DEhydrateD DEhydrateS REhydrateD REhydrateS DEhydrateR# HEMIhydrate HEXAhydrate TRIhydrate# CARBOhydrate CRYOhydrate# DEhydrateRS# HEMIhydrateD HEMIhydrateS HEXAhydrateS MONOhydrate# TRIhydrateD# TRIhydrateS# CARBOhydrateS CRYOhydrateS# HEXAhydrateD# MONOhydrateD# MONOhydrateS#
Sub-anagrams: ad ae aery ah ahed ar are art arty at ate ay aye da dah dare dart date dater day de dear dearth deary death deathy derat deray dey drat dray dry dye dyer ear earth earthy eat eath ed edh eh er era et eta eth eyra ha had hade hae haed haet hard hardy hare hared hart hat hate hated hater hatred hay hayed hayer he head heady hear heard heart hearty heat her herd het hey hydra hydrae hyte rad rah rat rate rated rath rathe ray rayed re read ready red ret rhea rhyta rya rye ta tad tae tahr tar tardy tare tared te tea tear teary ted thae the they thread thy trad trade tray tread trey try tye tyer tyre tyred ya yah yar yard yare ye yea yeah year yeh yer yet
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