[NSA Word of the Day]

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August 4th, 2017: THERMITE

Definition: THERMITE*THERMITES n a metallic mixture that produces intense heat when ignited

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: thermiteS

Ana-hooks: hermetiSt

'Typos': thermits

Blana-grams: emBitter emitterS erethiSm hemAtite hemiPter hermetiC remitteD remitteR temeritY tePhrite termiteS termtiMe tetChier theremiN thirteeN trimeteR

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: eh either em eme emir emit emitter er ere et eth ether he heir hem heme her here herm hermit het hi hie him hire hiree hit hitter hm ire it item ither me meet meh mere merit met mete meter meth metier metre mi mir mire mirth mite miter mither mitre mitt re ree reemit rehem rei rem remet remit ret rete retem retie retime rheme rim rime rite te tee teem teeth term termite tet teth tether tetri the thee their them theme there therm therme thermit thir three ti tie tier time timer tire tit titer tithe tither titre tree trem tret trim trite

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