[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 10th, 2017: STOA

Definition: STOA*STOAE*STOAI*STOAS n an ancient Greek covered walkway

Anagrams: oast oats taos tosa

Hooks: stoaE stoaI stoaS stoaT

Ana-hooks: aLtos asCot asSot atoCs atoKs atoMs aUtos Basto Boast Boats Botas Coast Coats Costa Datos Doats Fatso Goats Hoast Hosta Iotas Jatos Jotas Loast Lotas Moats oastS oatHs oCtas oKtas ostIa Ratos Roast Rotas saBot saLto saNto sHoat soFta stoMa taCos taRos toaDs toasT toEas toGas toLas toRas tosaS

'Typos': stob stop stot stow

Blana-grams: aBos aCts aDos aIts aLso aLto aLts aNts aPts aRts atEs atoC atoK atoM atoP aUto aVos Bast Bats Boas Boat Bota Bots Cast Cats Coat Cost Cots Dato Doat Dost Dots East Eats Etas Fast Fats Gast Gats Goas Goat Hast Hats Hoas Host Hots Iota Itas Jato Jota Jots Kats Koas Last Lats Lost Lota Lots Mast Mats Moas Moat Most Mots Naos Nats Nota oaFs oaKs oaRs oatH oBas oCas oCta oDas oKas oKta oNst oOts oPts oRts osaR osSa oUst oUts oWts Past Pats Poas Post Pots Qats Rast Rato Rats Rost Rota Rots saGo saLt saNt satE satI saUt sCat sCot sEat sEta sHat sHot sKat sLat sLot sNot soaK soaP soaR soCa soDa soFa soFt soJa soLa soMa soOt soRa soRt sotH sotS soUt soYa sPat sPot staB staG staP staR staT staW staY sWat sWot taBs taCo taDs taEs taGs taIs taKs taMs taNs taPs taRo taRs tasH tasK tasS taTs taUs taVs taWs taYs tEas toaD toCs toDs toEa toEs toGa toGs toLa toMs toNs toPs toRa toRs tosE tosH tosS tosT toTs toWs toYs tsaR tWas tWos Utas Vast Vats Wast Wats Wost Wots

Extensions: stoaTS

Sub-anagrams: as at oat os sat so sot st ta tao tas to

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