[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 1st, 2014: CESTAS

Definition: CESTA*CESTAS n a basket used in jai alai

Anagrams: castes

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: actRess asceNts ascItes asPects caestUs casKets casteRs castLes cUestas cYtases ecstasY ectasEs ectasIs Recasts sacHets scatHes scLates secaNts stacTes staNces

'Typos': cestos cestus festas vestas

Blana-grams: acAtes acCess acUtes aescEs asceNt ascOts asHets asPect asseNt asseRt assetS asteRs Basest Basset Bastes Beasts caDets caRess caRets caRses caRtes casHes casKet casteD casteR castLe cateRs caUses ceasEs cHases cHasse cHaste cHeats cHests cItess cLasts cLeats cOasts cOates cOsets cOsset cOstae cOstes cRases cRates cRests cUesta cYtase ecLats eNacts ePacts escaRs escOts estOcs eXacts Facets Fasces Feasts Hastes Heasts Lacets Leasts Pastes Reacts Reasts Recast sacHet saFest saGest saIces saLets saNest saUces saUtes saYest scaLes scaNts scaPes scaRes scaRts scatHe scatHs scatTs sceatT sceNas sceNts scLate scRaes scRats scUtes secaNt seRacs sIesta sKates sLates sNaste sPaces sPates sPeats stacKs stacTe staDes staGes staKes staLes staNce staNes staPes staRes staseS staTes staVes steaDs steaKs steaLs steaMs steaNs steaRs stRaes sWeats tacHes taseRs tasHes tasseL tasseS tasseT tassIe tasTes taWses teasEs tesLas tRaces tsaDes Utases Wastes Yeasts

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ace aces act acts ae aesc as ass asset at ate ates case cases cast caste casts cat cate cates cats ceas cess cesta ea eas east easts eat eats es ess est ests et eta etas sac sacs sae sat sate sates scat scats sceat sea seas seat seats sec secs sect sects set seta sets st ta tace taces tae taes tas tass tasse te tea teas tes

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