[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 8th, 2008: THIOUREA

Definition: THIOUREA*THIOUREAS n a chemical compound

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: thioureaS

Ana-hooks: authoriSe authoriZe

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aeroLith aNtihero authoreD Couthier euPhoria haurieNt hoarieSt Mouthier outhearD outhearS outhireD outhireS outraiSe outreaCh routhieR Sautoire theSauri touChier Youthier

Extensions: PHENYLthioureaS PHENYLthiourea(S)

Sub-anagrams: ae aero ah ai air airt airth ait aitu ar are aret ariot art at ate aurei author auto ea ear earth eat eath eau eh er era et eta eth etui euoi euro ha hae haet hair hao hare haro hart hat hate hater haut haute he hear heart heat heir her heriot hero het hi hie hire hit ho hoa hoar hoe hoer hoi hora hore hot hote hour houri hout hue huer hui huia hurt hut hutia io iota irate ire it ita ither iure oar oat oater oath oe oh ohia oi or ora orate ore ort other ou our ourie out outer outhear outher outhire outre rah rai rait rat rate rath rathe ratio rato ratu re reh rei ret retia rhea rho ria riot rit rite roate roe rot rota rote roti roue rout route routh routhie rue rut ruth ta tae tahr tai tao tar tare taro tau te tea tear tehr terai thae thar the their thio thir tho thoria thou thrae thro throe thru ti tiar tie tier tire tiro to toe toea tor tora torah tore tori tour tourie trie trio true tui uh ur uraei urao urate ure urea (and 5 more)

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