[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 3rd, 2008: CHELATE

Definition: CHELATE*CHELATED*CHELATING*CHELATES v to subject a compound to combination with a metal ion

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: chelateD chelateS

Ana-hooks: cheValet leachAte

'Typos': cholate

Blana-grams: alethIc aRchlet athleTe caleChe caPelet cathOle celeSta chaetAe chaetAl chaletS chaMlet chaPlet chatTel cheateD cheateR cheetaH cleateD eatcheS eScheat ethIcal eXcheat hacKlet halteRe hatcHel hectaRe heeltaP helLcat hIcatee latcheD latcheS latcheT lateNce latheeS leacheD leacheR leacheS leatheR letcheD letcheS letheaN Machete Rechate Recheat Relache Reteach Satchel teacheR teacheS teachIe thecaTe tRachle tReacle

Extensions: SUBchelate TRAchelate

Sub-anagrams: ace ach ache act ae ah al ale alec alee alt at ate cat cate cee cel celt cete ch cha chal chalet chat che cheat chela chelae clat cleat ea each eale eat eatche eath eathe ech eche echt eclat ee eech eel eh el elate elect elt et eta etch eth ethal ethe ha hae haet hale halt hat hate he heal heat heel hele het hete la lac lace lacet lah lat latch late lath lathe lathee lea leach leat lech lee leech leet let letch lethe ta tace tach tache tae tael talc tale te tea teach teal tech tee teel tel tela telae tele thae the theca thecae thecal thee

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