[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 2nd, 2005: RHAMNOSE

Definition: RHAMNOSE*RHAMNOSES n a sugar found in plants

Anagrams: horseman menorahs shoreman

Hooks: rhamnoseS

Ana-hooks: hanDsomer harmonIes harmonIse hornBeams shoreSman

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aLmoners armhoLes Choreman Cremonas enamoUrs enCharms Foramens Freshman Gemshorn haDromes hamBones hanDsome harDnose harmInes herDsman hoarsenS hoasTmen hoGmanes homaGers hormOnes hornBeam horsemEn hoUseman maDrones manhoLes manroPes meGarons monarChs moneraNs monsTera moOrhens moraInes morPhean neUromas nomarChs onsTream oVermans oVersman Proseman ramshoRn ransomeD ransomeR roaDsmen romaInes romanCes romanIse romneYas senhoraS sharemAn sharemEn shearmAn shearmEn shIreman shoremEn sonarmeN sToreman Teraohms Tonearms Trashmen

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae aeon aeons aero aeros ah ahem ahorse ahs am amen amens an ane anes ar are ares arm arms arose ars arse arseno arson as ash ashen ashmen ashore ea ean eans ear earn earns ears eas eh ehs em ems en enamor enamors enarm enarms enorm ens eoan eon eons er era eras ern erns eros ers es ha hae haem haems haen haes ham hame hames hamose hams han hanse hansom hao hare harem harems hares harm harms harn harns haro haros has he hear hears hem hems hen hens her herm herma herms hern herns hero heron herons heros hers hes hm ho hoa hoar hoars hoarse hoarsen hoas hoe hoer hoers hoes home homer homers homes hon hone honer honers hones hons hora horas hore horme hormes horn horns hors horse hos hose hoseman hosen ma mae maes mahoe mahoes man mane maneh manehs manes mano manor manors manos mans manse mar mare mares maron marons mars marse marsh mas mase maser mash masher mason me mean means men meno menorah mensa mensh mes mesa mesh meson mho mhos mna mnas mo moa moan moaner moaners moans moas moe moes mohr mohrs mon mona monas (and 196 more)

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