[NSA Word of the Day]

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October 3rd, 2023: TEABOWL

Definition: TEABOWL*TEABOWLS n a teacup having no handle

Anagrams: towable

Hooks: teabowlS

Ana-hooks: beStowal Stowable

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: batFowl beltwaY bloateD bloateR boatelS Dowable Globate lobateD Notable oblateS oUtbawl owNable Potable Retablo Rowable Sowable toTable Votable woOable

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ab abet able ae al alb ale aloe alow alt alto at ate aw awe awl awol ba bal bale bat bate bawl be beal beat bel below belt bet beta blae blat blate blaw bleat blet blew bloat blot blow bo boa boat boatel bola bole bolt bot bota botel bow bowel bowl eat el elbow et eta ew la lab lat late law lea let lo lob lobate lobe lot lota low lowe oat oba obe oblate oe ole olea ow owe owl owlet owt ta tab table tae tael tale tao taw te tea teal tel tela tew to toe toea tola tole tow towel twa twae two wab wae wale wat we weal web welt wet weta wo woe wot

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