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April 24th, 2023: BAST

Definition: BAST*BASTS n a woody fiber

Anagrams: bats stab tabs

Hooks: bastE bastS

Ana-hooks: abEts abUts baHts baIts batEs batHs batTs bEast bEats bEtas bLast bLats bOast bOats bOtas bRats sabOt stabS tabEs tabUs tsUba tUbas

'Typos': baht bait base bash bask bass bats batt best bust cast east fast gast hast last mast oast past vast wast

Blana-grams: abAs abEt abOs abUt abYs aCts aIts aLbs aLts aNts aRbs aRts atEs baAs baDs baGs baLs baMs baNs baPs baRs batE batH baYs bEat bEta bEts bIas bIts bLat bOas bOat bOta bOts bRas bRat bUts Cabs Cats Dabs Eats Etas Fabs Fats Gabs Gats Hats Isba Jabs Kabs Kats Labs Lats Mats Nabs Oats Obas Pats Qats Rats sabE sabS saLt satE satI sCab sCat sEat sEta sHat sKat sLab sLat sOba sPat staG staR staT staW staY stOa stOb stUb sUba sWab sWat tabU taDs taGs taMs taNs taOs taPs taRs tasE tasK tasS taTs taUs taVs taWs tEas tOsa tsaR tUba tUbs tWas Utas Vats Wabs Wats

Extensions: bastA# bastED bastER bastES bastI# bastO# BOMbast LAMbast bastARD bastERS bastILE bastING bastION bastIS# bastLE# bastOS# BOMbastS EMbastE# LAMbastE LAMbastS UNbastED bastARDS bastARDY bastIDE# bastILES bastILLE bastINGS bastIONS bastLES# ALAbastER BOMbastER BOMbastIC LAMbastED LAMbastES SUbastRAL bastARDLY bastIDES# bastILLES bastINADE bastINADO bastIONED ALAbastERS BANDObast# BARbastEL# BOMbastED# BOMbastERS LAMbastING bastARDIES bastARDISE bastARDIZE bastARDRY# bastINADED bastINADES ALAbastRINE BANDObastS# BARbastELS# BOMbastING# bastARDISED bastARDISES bastARDISM# bastARDIZED bastARDIZES bastINADING bastINADOED bastINADOES bastNASITE# BARbastELLE# DEMIbastION# TRAILbastON# bastARDISING bastARDISMS# bastARDIZING bastARDRIES# bastINADOING bastNAESITE# bastNASITES# BARbastELLES# BOMbastICALLY DEMIbastIONS# bastARDIZATION bastARDISATION# bastARDIZATIONS

Sub-anagrams: ab abs as at ba bas bat sab sat ta tab tas

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