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December 26th, 2022: STARETS

Definition: STARETS*STARTSY n a spiritual adviser in the Eastern Orthodox Church

Anagrams: asterts staters tasters

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: artIstes artsIest estrEats Mattress restaRts restatEs retastEs sCatters sHatters sLatters sMartest sMatters sPatters starKest starLets starteRs startLes statUres stratOse stretTas strIates sWatters taPsters tartNess tOasters

'Typos': starers staretz

Blana-grams: aCtress arRests artIest artIste artIsts artLess artsIes assertS astArts astUter attesTs attIres Bassett Basters Batters Bestars Brasset Breasts Casters eastErs estatEs estraYs estrEat Fasters Fastest Gasters Hatters Iratest Lasters Latests Masters Matters Natters Pasters Patters rasHest rasteRs ratHest ratItes ratteNs ratteRs rattLes reCasts rePasts resEats restaRt restatE retastE retEsts rOtates saetErs saIrest saLters saLtest sarsNet satIres sCatter searAts searEst seatErs settErs sHaster sHatter sIttars sItters sKaters sLaters sLatter sMatter sParest sPatter staCtes staGers staLest starLet starteD starteR startLe startsY starVes statOrs statUes statUre staYers staYres stearEs straFes straIts straKes stratAs stratHs stratUs streaKs streaMs streEts stretTa strIate sWatter taBrets taPster tarGets tarseLs tartesT tasKers tasLets tassetS tastIer tatLers tatTers teasErs tersEst tertIas tessEra testErs tetraDs teWarts tHreats tIrasse tOaster traNses trasHes trasseS trYstes tsarIst tUtress Vastest Vatters Wasters Yatters

Extensions: staretsES

Sub-anagrams: ae ar are ares aret arets arett aretts ars arse arses art arts as ass assert asset aster asters astert at ate ates att ea ear ears earst eas east easts eat eats er era eras ers erst es ess est ests et eta etas etat etats ras rase rases rasse rast rat rate rates rats re reast reasts res resat rest rests ret rets sae sar sars sat sate sates sea sear sears seas seat seats ser sera sers set seta sets sett setts st star stare stares stars start starts stat state stater states stats stear stears stet stets strae straes ta tae taes tar tare tares tars tart tarts tas taser tasers tass tasse tasset taste taster tastes tat tate tater taters tates tats te tea tear tears teas teat teats teras terts tes test testa tests tet tetra tetras tets trass trat trats treat treats tres tress trest trests tret trets tsar tsars

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