[NSA Word of the Day]

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October 18th, 2020: CHEVALET

Definition: CHEVALET*CHEVALETS n a part of a stringed instrument

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: chevaletS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: ceRvelat chelateD chelateS leachAte

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ace ache act ae ah al ale alec alee alt at ate ave cal calve cat cate cave cee cel celt cete chalet chat cheat chela chelae chelate chevet clave cleat cleave each eat eath eave eche echt eclat eel eh el elate elect et eta etch eth eve ha hae haet hale halt halve hat hate have he heal heat heave heel helve het hevea la lac lace lah lat latch late lath lathe lav lave lea leach leave lech lee leech leet let letch lethe lev leva ta tace tach tache tae tael talc tale tav te tea teach teal tec tech tee teel tel tela telae tele thae the theca thecae thecal thee vac vale valet vat veal vee vela velate vet vetch

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