[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 3rd, 2020: RECHEAT

Definition: RECHEAT*RECHEATS n a hunting call

Anagrams: cheater hectare reteach teacher

Hooks: recheatS

Ana-hooks: aetherIc catheTer charetTe cheaterS Detacher hectareS hetaerIc racheteD teacherS tracheAe

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: acCrete acerAte aetherS Batcher Brachet Breathe catCher catereD catereR ceNtare cerateD cerateS chaetAe chaNter chaPter charteD charteR chaSter chatTer cheaPer cheateD cheetaH cheLate cheVret createD createS creMate creNate earAche eartheD eartheN ecarteS erethIc eScheat etcherS etherIc eXacter eXcreta Feather Fetcher Gatcher haLtere hatcHer hearteD hearteN heaterS heatHer heKtare heretIc hetaerA Leacher Leather Machete Machree Matcher Ochreae Ocreate Patcher Peacher Preheat rachetS ratcheS ratcheT reacheD reacheR reacheS reacteD rechaRt recRate reeNact reheatS reMatch rePatch retcheD retcheS retRace teacheS techIer tePache tereFah terRace theaTer theaTre thecaTe thereaT therIac therMae tracheA trachLe traNche treacLe trOchee Watcher Weather Whereat Wreathe Yachter

Extensions: recheatED# recheatING#

Sub-anagrams: ace ache acre act ae aether ah ar arc arch are arete art at ate car care caret cart carte cat cate cater cee cerate cere cert cete char chare chart chat cheat cheer chert crate create each ear earth eat eater eath ecarte eche echt eh er era ere erect et eta etch etcher eth ether ha hae haet hare hart hat hate hater he hear heart heat heater her here hereat het race rachet rah rat ratch rate rath rathe re reach react rec recta ree reheat ret retch rete rhea ta tace tach tache tae tahr tar tare te tea teach tear tec tech tee terce thae the theca thecae thee there three trace tree

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