Definition: MAILSHOT*MAILSHOTS n something mailed to many people at one time
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: mailshotS
Ana-hooks: hailstoRm
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: Goliaths haliDoms haliotEs haliotIs hElotism hEmiolas homilIst hosPital loamiEst mailLots maNihots misalLot moChilas moDalist moRalist oGhamist oPsimath shitloaD solatiUm thiaZols toTalism Voltaism
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ah ahi ahis ahs ai ail ails aim aims ais ait aits al alist alit almost alms als also alt altho alto altos alts am ami amis as ash at atom atoms ha hail hails halm halms halo halos halt halts ham hams hao has hast hat hats hi hila hilt hilts him hims his hist hit hits hm ho hoist holism holist holm holms hols holt holts hom homa homas homs hos host hosta hot hots iota iotas is ism it its la lah lahs laith lam lams las lash last lat lath lathi lathis laths lati latish lats li lias lima limas limo limos lis list lit litas litho lithos lits lo loam loams loath lost lot lota lotah lotahs lotas loth loti lots lotsa ma mail mails maist maloti malt malts mas mash mast mat math maths mats mho mhos mi mil milo milos mils milt milts mis miso mist mo moa moas moat moats moi moil moils moist mol mola molas mols molt molts mos mosh most mot moth moths mots oast oat oath oaths oats oh ohia ohias ohm ohms ohs oi oil oils om oma omas omit omits oms os ostia sail saith sal (and 83 more)
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