Definition: not available
Anagrams: arointed ordinate rationed
Hooks: derationS
Ana-hooks: arYtenoid notariSed notariZed ordinateD ordinateS Predation redaCtion
'Typos': aeration delation duration
Blana-grams: aCtioned aCtioner adroiteR aneroidS anoeStri anoiNted anoiNter anoretiC anterioR antHerid antidorA antidoTe antiHero antiNode antiPode aroYnted arSonite aSteroid aStonied atroPine atTorned Baritone Cartoned Catenoid Centroid Ceratoid Creation Crinated daintIer daneWort datUrine deBonair dentariA deratinG detainEr detrainS deViator diatronS diCentra diPteran diPteron doCtrine doMinate donarieS donatiVe dorMient doUanier draGonet dronieSt erGatoid Gradient ideatIon idoLater indarteD indeNtor indUrate inorNate intorTed intradoS iodInate Keratoid Mediator neMatoid nitraTed noNrated notarieS notariSe notariZe oBtained oBtainer ordaineD ordaineR ordinaNt orGandie orientaL orientEd Pronated radioMen raindAte randieSt ratoOned reaCtion reanoiNt redatinG reLation reoBtain reoRdain retainEd retinoId roSinate rUinated Sedation Senorita Strained taBorine taenioId taiLeron taiLored tandoOri teardoWn tenToria teraToid teTanoid tornadeS tornadiC treadinG trinodaL Urinated
Extensions: derationED FEderationS MOderationS SIderationS derationING PONderationS DESIderationS FEderation(S) IMMOderationS MOderation(S) SIderation(S) CONFEderationS CONSIderationS PONderation(S) DESIderation(S) IMMOderation(S) PREPONderationS CONFEderation(S) CONSIderation(S) PREPONderation(S)
Sub-anagrams: ad adit ado adore adorn adroit ae aeon aero ai aid aide aider ain aine air aired airn airned airt airted ait an and ane aneroid ani anode ant ante anted anti antired antre ar ard ardent are ared aret arid ariot aroid aroint art at ate atone atoned atoner da dae daine daint dan danio dant dare dari darn dart date dater dato de deair dean dear dearn dei den dent derat dern detain detrain di diatron die diet din dinar dine diner dinero dino dint diota dire dirt dit dita dite ditone do doat doater doe doen doer doit don dona donate done dor dore dort dot dote doter dotier drain drant drat drent droit drone ea ean ear eard earn eat ed edit editor en end endart entia eoan eon er era ern et eta etna id idant ide idea in indart inert inro inroad inter into intoed intra intro io iodate ion iota irade irate ire ired iron irone ironed it ita na nadir nae naoi nard nare nat ne near neat ned nerd net nid nide nidor nie nied nit nite niter nitre nitro no nod node nodi noir nor nori noria norite not nota (and 194 more)
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