[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 23rd, 2014: TOROSITY

Definition: TOROSITY*TOROSITIES n the quality or state of being torose

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': morosity porosity

Blana-grams: Botrytis isotroPy Motorist otiosIty Postriot riDottos risottoS rootiEst soNority soroRity tortioUs tortoisE tortoNis toUristy yttrioUs

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: io ios is iso it its oi oo oor oos oosy oot oots or ors ort orts os otto ottos oy oys riot riots risotto rit rits ritt ritts roist roo roos roost root roots rootsy rooty rosit rost rosy rot roti rotis roto rotos rots royst ryot ryots si sir sit so soot sooty sori sort sot soy sri st stir stoit stoor story stot stroy sty ti tiro tiros tis tit tits to toit toits too toot toots tootsy tor tori toro toros torot tors torsi torso tort torts tory tost tot tots toy toyo toyos toys trio trios trist trois trot trots troy troys try tryst tyro tyros yo yos ytost

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