[NSA Word of the Day]

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October 24th, 2012: ANTISNOB

Definition: ANTISNOB*ANTISNOBS n one that is opposed to snobbery

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: antisnobS

Ana-hooks: sanbEnito

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: absonAnt aCtinons antibosS antLions banDitos banJoist bastionS boastinG boatinGs boniatOs bonniEst botaniEs botanisE botanisT Canonist Contains Enations Fontinas nanobOts niobatEs nonbasiC obEisant onanistS Pintanos sanCtion santoniN sonantiC sonatinA sonatinE soRbitan taboRins

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ab abo abos abs ai ain ains ais ait aits an ani anion anions anis anoint anoints anon ant anti antis ants as at ba bait baits ban bani banns bans bas basin basion bast bastion bat baton batons bats bi bias bin bins bint bints bio biont bionts bios biota biotas bis bison bit bits bo boa boas boast boat boats bonita bonitas bonsai bos bot bota botas bots in inn inns ins into ion ions iota iotas is isba it its na nab nabis nabs nan nano nanos nans naoi naos nasion nation nations nib nibs nit niton nitons nits no nob nobs nona nonas nos not nota oast oat oats oba obas obi obia obias obis obit obits obtain obtains oi on onanist ons os ostia sab sabin sabot sain saint san santo sat sati satin si sib sin sit snib snit snob snot so sob soba son sonant sot stab stain stoa stoai stob ta tab tabs tain tains tan tans tao taos tas ti tian tians tin tins tis to ton tons tosa

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