[NSA Word of the Day]

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January 6th, 2011: APHORISE


Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: aphoriseD aphoriseR aphoriseS

Ana-hooks: aphoriZes aTrophies eUphorias

'Typos': aphorism aphorist aphorize

Blana-grams: airhoLes aphoNies aspheriC Charpies Diaspore earLship esophaGi eUphoria Foreship hareLips hepariNs herosHip hoariesT isoGraph Meropias Morphias ophiUras paPisher parChesi parisheN parisheS paroDies peLorias phariseE pharoseS phoraTes phrasieR piLhorse pLashier poaChers poaChier poKerish poLarise poLisher poTshare proPhase raphiDes repoLish rhapsoDe rosehipS saMphire sapPhire seraphiC seraphiM seraphiN sharpieS shoaLier shopPier sopheriC sopheriM spheroiD spoShier Triphase Trophies Vaporise Vaporish

Extensions: aphoriseRS

Sub-anagrams: ae aero aeros aesir ah ahorse ahs ai air airs ais ape aper apers apes aphis apish apres apse ar are ares ariose aris arise arish arose ars arse as ash ashier ashore asp asper aspire ea ear ears eas eh ehs epha ephas ephor ephori ephors epos epris er era eras eros ers es ha hae haes hair hairs hao hap haps hare hares haro haros harp harpies harps has hasp he heap heaps hear hears heir heirs hep hepar hepars heps her hero heros hers hes hesp hi hie hies hip hips hire hires his ho hoa hoar hoars hoarse hoas hoe hoer hoers hoes hoi hoise hop hope hoper hopers hopes hops hora horas hore hors horse hos hose hosier io ios ire ires is ish iso oar oars oe oes oh ohia ohias ohs oi op opah opahs ope opera operas opes ops or ora ore ores ors os osar ose osier pa pah pahs pair paire paires pairs pais paise par pare pareo pareos pares paries paris parish pars parse pas pase paseo pash pe pea pear pears peas peh pehs per perai perais peri peris perish pes peso ph phare phares pharos phase phi (and 175 more)

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