Definition: SAPOTE*SAPOTES n a tropical American tree
Anagrams: (none)
Hooks: sapoteS
Ana-hooks: apostLe aptoTes atopIes Capotes espaRto Gestapo opIates peLotas petasoS poDesta postaGe potaGes pRoteas sCopate seapoRt teapoTs teapoYs teasHop teopaNs toeCaps topaZes
'Typos': capote sapota
Blana-grams: aDepts aDopts apoDes apPose aptesT aptoTe asLope aspeCt aspoRt aspoUt astoNe astoOp atoKes atoNes aVoset aWetos aZotes Bepats Bespat Bespot Capots Coapts Coates Costae Depots Despot epaCts epoPts estopS etapEs eXpats Netops oateRs opeRas opIate opteRs oRates osMate osteaL oVates paeoNs paLest paLets paNtos paReos paseoS pasteD pasteL pasteR pasteS pastIe pastoR pateNs pateRs patHos patIos patoIs patTes peaRst peasoN peLota peLtas pesaNt pesEta pestoS petaLs petaRs petsaI pIetas pLaste pLates pLeats pLoats poaKes poNtes poRtas posNet posSet postaL posteD posteR postIe potaGe potasH potasS potsIe pRates pResto pRotea ptoseS Repast Repost Repots Respot Roates sapeGo sCopae septaL seXpot soapeD soapeR soapIe soLate sopIte spateS spatHe speatS stapeS stapLe stoepS stoOpe stopeD stopeR stopeS tapeRs tapeTs taUpes teapoT teapoY teMpos teopaN tepaLs tepoYs toaZes toeCap topeEs topeKs topeRs topHes tRapes tRopes
Extensions: (none)
Sub-anagrams: ae ape apes apse apt apts as asp at ate ates atop ea eas east eat eats epos es est estop et eta etas oast oat oats oe oes op ope opes ops opt opts os ose pa pas pase paseo past paste pat pate pates pats pe pea peas peat peats pes peso pest pesto pet pets po poa poas poet poets pos pose post pot pote potes pots psoae pst sae sap sat sate sea seat sept septa set seta so soap sop sot spa spae spat spate speat spet spot st stap step stoa stoae stoep stop stope ta tae taes tao taos tap tape tapes taps tas te tea teas tepa tepas tes to toe toea toeas toes top tope topes tops tosa tose
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January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 |