Definition: GLOMUS*GLOMERA n a type of vascular tuft
Anagrams: gomeral
Hooks: (none)
Ana-hooks: Beglamor glamoreD gomeralS
'Typos': (none)
Blana-grams: aerogEl alBergo alLegro almoNer armHole Caromel earlDom emBargo Femoral Fromage galoreS gamBler gamBrel gaolerS glamorS glamoUr gleamEr gloaTer gomerEl gomerIl gremIal Homager lamIger legaTor legroOm loamIer malgreD malgreS maNgler mareNgo maUlgre megaroN moleraT moNgrel moOrage moraleS morUlae moUlage Nemoral Pergola Pleroma ramPole remoVal romageS Vorlage
Extensions: glomeraTE glomeraTED glomeraTES glomeraTING glomeraTION AGglomeraTED AGglomeraTES glomeraTIONS AGglomeraTING AGglomeraTIVE CONglomeraTED CONglomeraTES CONglomeraTIC AGglomeraTE(S) AGglomeraTIONS CONglomeraTEUR CONglomeraTING CONglomeraTION CONglomeraTIVE CONglomeraTE(S) CONglomeraTEURS CONglomeraTIONS AGglomeraTION(S) CONglomeraTOR(S) CONglomeraTEUR(S) CONglomeraTION(S)
Sub-anagrams: ae aero ag age ager ago al ale algor alme aloe am amole ar are areg argle argol arle arm ea ear earl egal egma ego el elm em eorl er era erg ergo gae gal gale galore gam game gamer gaol gaoler gar gare geal gear gel gem geo germ glam glamor glare gleam gloam glom go goa goal goe goel goer gole golem gor goral gore gorm gram grame groma la laer lag lager lam lame lamer lar lare large largo lea leam lear leg lo loam log loge loma lome lor lore ma mae mag mage mal male malgre mar mare marg marge marl marle me meal meg mega mel mela merl mo moa moe mog mol mola molar mole mor mora morae moral morale more morel oar oe ogam ogle ogler ogre ole olea olm om omega omer or ora oral ore orle rag rage rale ram re real realm realo ream reg regal regma rego rem roam roe rolag role rom roma romage romal
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