[NSA Word of the Day]

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December 30th, 2007: ISOBATH

Definition: ISOBATH*ISOBATHS n a line on a map connecting points of equal water depth

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: isobathS

Ana-hooks: Cohabits Fishboat haUtbois

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aboLish absiNth aiRshot atishoO bastioN batFish batshiT bhaKtis boaRish boNitas bothiEs bothRia Cohabit Goatish habitUs hobBits isotaCh obLasti obtaiNs Phobias shitbaG shoRtia thoRias toaDish

Extensions: isobathIC

Sub-anagrams: ab abo abos abs ah ahi ahis ahs ai ais ait aits as ash at ba bah baht bahts bait baith baits bas bash bast bat bath bathos baths bats bi bias bio bios biota biotas bis bish bit bits bo boa boas boast boat boats bos bosh bot bota botas both bots ha habit habits hao has hast hat hats hi his hist hit hits ho hob hobs hoist hos host hosta hot hots iota iotas is isba it its oast oat oath oaths oats oba obas obi obia obias obis obit obits oh ohia ohias ohs oi os ostia sab sabot sahib saith sat sati sh sha shat shit sho shoat shot si sib sit sith so sob soba soh sot soth stab stoa stoai stob ta tab tabs tao taos tas thio this tho ti tis to tosa tosh

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