[NSA Word of the Day]

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November 21st, 2003: TOENAIL

Definition: TOENAIL*TOENAILS*TOENAILED*TOENAILING v to fasten with obliquely driven nails

Anagrams: elation

Hooks: toenailS

Ana-hooks: antiPole Delation elationS Gelation inSolate leGation oleFiant oRiental Relation tailBone taileRon tonaliTe

'Typos': trenail

Blana-grams: aConite aeoliAn ailAnto aileRon ailMent alAtion aleRion alienoR aliMent aloetiC alUnite aMniote anetHol aniSole anoetiC anolYte antiloG antliAe antliKe antlioN atinGle atonieS Bitonal eaStlin elaStin elatinG elUtion enatioN entailS entoilS entRail etalonS etHanol etiolIn Foliate Gelatin Genital Hotline inFlate iSolate Kaoline Keitloa laCtone latinoS latRine leCtion lentiGo lentoiD lineatE lionetS loMenta Mineola Molinet nailSet neolitH nioBate notaBle oatliKe oMental onlieSt oPaline otaRine oUtlain oUtline Pantile Pointel Polenta Pontile Potline Ratline Reliant Retinal Retinol Salient Saltine Slainte Staniel talionS taloneD tanGelo telaMon tenailS tolaneS toPline toWline Ventail Violate Violent Volante

Extensions: toenailED toenailING

Sub-anagrams: ae aeon ai ail ain aine ait al ale alien aline alit aloe aloin alone alt alto an ane ani anil anile anole ant ante anti at ate atone ea ean eat el elain elan elint eloin elt en enlit enol entail entia entoil eoan eolian eon et eta etalon etna ilea in inlet into io ion iota it ita la lain lane lant lat late laten lati latino lea lean leant leat lei leno lent lenti lento let li liane lie lien lin line lino lint lion lionet lit lite lo loan loin lone lot lota lote loti na nae nail naoi nat ne neal neat net nie nil nit nite no noel noil nole not nota notal note oat oaten oe oi oil oint ole olea olein olent on one ta tae tael tai tail tain tale tali talion talon tan tane tao te tea teal teil tel tela telia teloi ten tenail tenia ti tie til tile tin tine tinea tineal to toe toea toil toile tola tolan tolane tole ton tonal tone

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