[NSA Word of the Day]

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September 2nd, 2021: RASTER

Definition: RASTER*RASTERS n the area reproducing images on the picture tube of a television set

Anagrams: arrest arrets rarest raters starer tarres terras

Hooks: rasterS

Ana-hooks: arMrest arrestS artsIer Barrets Barters Carters Craters Darters Dartres erraNts erratAs Fraters Garrets Garters Graters Karters Kraters Parters Praters raFters raNters ratTers restarT retarDs retEars rOaster serratE serratI sMarter starerS starKer starreD starTer starVer straFer straYer tarrIes tarsIer tearErs traCers traDers

'Typos': baster caster easter faster gaster laster master paster rafter ranter rasher rasper ratter rester roster taster vaster waster

Blana-grams: aFters aIrers aIrest aLerts aLters aNtres aretEs aretTs arMers arMets arreCt arteLs arterY artIer artIes asSert astAre asterN asterS asterT aVerts Barest Barres Barret Barter Bestar Breast Carers Carets Carter Cartes Caters Crares Crater Crates Darers Darres Darter Dartre Daters Derats Drears eartHs eatErs erasEr erraNt erratA ersatZ estraL estraY eXtras Farers Frater Garres Garret Garter Graste Grater Grates Greats Haters Hearts Irater Karter Krater Maters Matres Oaters Orates Parers Parser Parter Paters Pearst Petars Prater Prates raCers raGers raIser raKers raMets raPers raserS rasUre rateLs ratHer raVers raWest raZers reaCts rearMs reastS reastY reatAs reatEs reBars reCast reGars rePast resEat resOrt retaGs retarD retEar retraL retrOs rOates rOstra rUstre saetEr saIrer saLter sartOr satIre sCarer sCarre searAt searEr seatEr serraE serraN serraS sHarer sIerra sKater sLater sNarer sOarer sOrter sParer sParre staGer staLer stareD stareS starrS starrY starVe staTer staYer staYre stearD stearE stearS steLar sterNa stIrra stIrre stOrer straeS straFe straKe streaK streaM strIae taBers taKers taLers taMers taPers tarGes tarrAs tarreD tarseL tarTer taserS tasKer taTers taVers taWers taXers tearEr teasEr teraIs terraE tersEr teTras traCer traCes traDer traDes traNse traPes traVes treaDs treaTs treMas trIers trYers Urares Urates Waters Yarest

Extensions: rasterISE rasterIZE SPIrasterS rasterISED rasterISES rasterIZED rasterIZES rasterISING rasterIZING SPIraster(S)

Sub-anagrams: ae ar are ares aret arets arret ars arse art arts as aster at ate ates ea ear ears earst eas east eat eats er era eras err errs ers erst es est et eta etas rare rares ras rase raser rast rat rate rater rates rats re rear rears reast res resat rest ret rets sae sar sat sate sea sear seat ser sera serr serra set seta st star stare starr stear strae ta tae taes tar tare tares tarre tars tas taser te tea tear tears teas teras terra tes tres tsar

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