[NSA Word of the Day]

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February 17th, 2013: WAINSCOT


Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: wainscotS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aconitEs actinoNs aGnostic aUctions canoEist canoNist caPtions caRotins caUtions cHitosan coastinG coatinGs contaiNs coRtinas cotinGas coXswain Downcast Factions Monastic oscitanT Pactions sanctioN snowcatS sonaNtic sonicatE tacTions waitRons woManist

Extensions: wainscotED wainscotING wainscotTED wainscotINGS wainscotTING wainscotTINGS

Sub-anagrams: act actin actins action actions acts ai ain ains ais ait aits an ani anis ant anti antic antics antis ants as asci ascot at atonic atonics aw awn awns cain cains can cans canso canst cant canto cantos cants casino cast cat cation cations cats caw caws ciao cion cions cis cist coast coat coati coatis coats coin coins con coni cons cos cost costa cot cotan cotans cots cow cows icon icons in ins into ion ions iota iotas is it its na naoi naos nastic naw nit nits no nos not nota now nows nowt nowts oast oat oats oca ocas octan octans oi on ons ontic os ostia otic ow own owns sac sain saint santo sat sati satin saw sawn scan scant scat scion scot scotia scow si sic sin sit snaw snit snot snow snowcat so soca son sonic sot sow sown stain staw stoa stoai stoic stow swain swan swat swot ta taco tacos tain tains tan tans tao taos tas taw taws ti tic tics tin tins tis to tocsin ton tonic tonics tons tow town towns tows twa twain twains twas twin twins two twos wain wains waist wait waits wan (and 26 more)

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