[NSA Word of the Day]

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August 25th, 2012: PELOTA

Definition: PELOTA*PELOTAS n a court game of Spanish origin

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: pelotaS

Ana-hooks: apoStle oUtleap paletoT ploateD poleCat poleNta potaBle pRolate taDpole tapHole

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aplIte apPlet aptoTe aSlope Boatel Caplet Capote etaloN Foetal Folate Gelato lapPet laptoP leGato leIpoa leptoN loatHe loBate loCate loRate oBlate oleatE opaleD opIate oSteal palAte paleSt paletS palLet palteR paRole paStel patRol patTle peDalo peltaE peltaS petalS petRol peYotl pIolet plaCet plaNet plaSte plateD plateN plateR plateS pleatS ploatS poleaX polIte polteD poNtal poRtal poStal potaGe potTle pRotea pUteal Replot Sapote Septal Solate Staple talpAe tapAlo teapoT teapoY teopaN tepalS toeCap tolaNe topPle tUpelo Zealot

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae al ale aloe alp alt alto ape apt at ate atop ea eat el elt et eta la lap lat late lea leap leapt leat lep lept lepta let lo lop lope lot lota lote oat oe ole olea olpae olpe op opal ope opt pa pal pale palet pat pate pe pea peal peat pela pelt pelta pet petal plat plate plea pleat ploat plot po poa poet pol pole polt pot pote ta tae tael tale tao tap tape te tea teal tel tela tepa tepal to toe toea tola tole top tope

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