Definition: ACTINIDE*ACTINIDES n any of a series of radioactive elements
Anagrams: ctenidia indicate
Hooks: actinideS
Ana-hooks: andeSitic dieticIan identicaL indicateD indicateS Vindicate
'Typos': actiniae
Blana-grams: acCident acRidine actinOid adenitiS aKinetic aLcidine anticKed canitieS catenOid caVitied ciLiated cYtidine daintieR daintieS diaBetic diatOnic dicentRa diStance etHician ideatinG ideatiOn inactiVe incaNted incideNt incUdate indicaNt indicteD indicteE indicteR indiRect iOdinate Medicant nictaTed Pedantic Raticide Reindict Sciaenid tacHinid Vanitied Vaticide
Extensions: TRANSactinide
Sub-anagrams: ace aced acetin acid acini acne acned act acted actin ad adit ae ai aid aide ain ait an and ane ani ant ante anted anti antic at ate cad cade cadent cadet cadi caid cain can cane caned canid cant canted cat cate cedi cent centai cine cite cited citied cnida cnidae dace dacite dan dance date de dean decant den deni dent detain dice dicta die diet din dine dint dit dita dite eat ed edict edit en enact enatic end entia et eta etic etna ice iced id idea identic in incite incited indict indie indite inedita inia inti it na nae ne neat net nicad nice nidate nide nidi nit nite nitid ta tace tad tae tain tan tea ted teiid teind ten tend tenia ti tic tide tie tied tin tine tinea tined tineid
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