[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 29th, 2004: ROLAMITE

Definition: ROLAMITE*ROLAMITES n a nearly frictionless mechanical device

Anagrams: amitrole

Hooks: rolamiteS

Ana-hooks: amitroleS melioratE meNtorial mortaliSe mortaliZe

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aerolitE aerolitH amoretTi amortiSe amortiZe atomiSer atomiZer Bromelia emUlator ePilator erEmital erotiCal Floatier Formiate Halimote iDolater imMolate imMortal laBorite lamiSter lamiterS literaTo loamieSt loriCate marlieSt marliteS martelLo materiAl materiEl meDiator meMorial metriCal miSalter moatliKe molaritY moleratS moraliSe moraliSt moralitY moraliZe moteliEr motOrail motOrial orieNtal Petiolar Proemial Prometal realtimE relatioN remitTal retailoR Soterial taileroN tailoreD temPoral termiNal tormiNal tramliNe triaZole trilemMa Violater

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae aero ai ail aim aimer air airt ait al ale alert alit alme aloe alt alter alto am ami amie amir amole amoret amort amrit ar are aret ariel aril ariot arle arm armet armil armlet art artel at ate atom ea ear earl eat el elm elt em email emir emit eorl er era et eta ilea imaret io iota irate ire it ita item la laer lair lam lame lamer lamiter lar lare lari lat late later lati lea leam lear leat lei leir let li liar liart lie lier lima lime limo lira lire lirot lit lite liter litre lo loam loamier loir loiter loma lome lor lorate lore lot lota lote loti ma mae mail maile mailer mair maire mal male mali maloti malt maltier mar mare marl marle marlite mart martel mat mate mater matier matlo me meal meat mel mela melt meri meril merit merl merlot met meta metal metol metro mi mil mile miler milo milor milt milter mir mire mite miter mitral mitre mo moa moat moe moi moil moiler moira moire moit mol mola molar mole molerat molt molter mor mora morae moral morale morat more morel moria mort mortal (and 151 more)

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