[NSA Word of the Day]

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March 26th, 2004: JAROSITE

Definition: JAROSITE*JAROSITES n a mineral

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: jarositeS

Ana-hooks: (none)

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: aMortise asteroiD atoMiser Hoariest jaNitors joiNters Notaries Notarise oUtraise rotaRies saUtoire seNorita sePtoria toasTier traVoise Viatores Votaries

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ae aero ai air airest airs airt airts ais ait aits aji ajies ajis aorist ar are ares arie ariose arise aristo aro aros arose ars art arts artsie as aster astir at ate ates ats ear ears east eat eats er era eras eros ers erst es est et eta etas iota iotas irate ire ires is it its jar jars jato jatos jest jet jets jiao jo joe joes joist jot jota jotas jots oar oars oast oat oater oaters oatier oats oe oes oi or ora orate orates ore ores ors ort orts os osar ose osetra osier ostia rai rais raise raj rajes ras rase rat rate rates ratio ratios rato ratos rats re reais rei reis res resat resit rest ret retia rets ria rias rioja riojas riot riots rise rite rites roast roe roes rose roset rosti rot rota rotas rote rotes roti rotis rots sae sari sat sate sati satire satori sea sear seat sei ser sera serai set seta si sir sire sit sitar site so soar soja sora sore sori sort sortie sot sri stair star stare stir stoa stoae stoai store stria striae ta tae taj tajes tao taos tar (and 48 more)

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