[NSA Word of the Day]

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August 12th, 2011: DIACETYL

Definition: DIACETYL*DIACETYLS n biacetyl

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: diacetylS

Ana-hooks: edictalLy

'Typos': biacetyl

Blana-grams: acetyliC actiVely acylAted aRticled cilIated citadelS clayieSt dactyliC datiVely delicaCy delicatE dialectS dialytIc diDactyl diRectly ecdySial idealIty laceRtid latTiced liteRacy Maledict Plicated Steadily

Extensions: (none)

Sub-anagrams: ace aced acetyl acid acidly acidy act acted acyl ad adit ae ai aid aide ail ailed ait al alcid ale alec alit alt at ate atelic ay aye cad cade cadet cadi caid cal cat cate cay cedi ceil cel celt citadel cite cited city clad clade clay clayed cleat clit da dace dacite dactyl dactyli daily dal dale date day daylit de deal dealt decal decay deil deity del delay deli delict delt delta deltaic deltic detail dey dial dialect dice dicey dicta dicty die diel diet dilate dit dita dite dye eat eclat ed edacity edict edictal edit el eld et eta etic ice iced icy id idea ideal idle idly idyl ilea ileac it la lac lace laced lacey lacy lad lade lady laic laid laity lat late lated lati lay layed lea lead leady led lei let ley li lice lid lie lied lit lite lycea lye lytic ta tace tad tae tael tail tailed talc talced talcy tale tali te tea teal tec ted tel tela telia telic ti tic tical tidal tide tidy tie tied til tilde tile tiled tye ya yald yclad ye yea yeld yet yeti yid yield

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