[NSA Word of the Day]

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April 28th, 2006: HIRSUTE

Definition: HIRSUTE adj hairy

Anagrams: (none)

Hooks: (none)

Ana-hooks: Luthiers rushieSt suPerhit thesAuri

'Typos': (none)

Blana-grams: Brutish Bushier Bustier Cithers Curites Cushier Dithers Dustier Fustier Grushie Gushier Gustier Gutsier hAstier heistEr heriOts herMits hiNters hiPster hitTers hOister huNters hurDies hurLies hurRies hurteRs hurtLes husKier hustLer iCterus Lustier Luthier Mithers Mushier Mustier Nutsier Peritus Pushier Querist resiGht reVuist riChest ruBiest ruLiest ruNtish rushieR rustieR rutiLes rutTish shiFter shOrtie shOuter shuNter shutTer siGhter sLither sOuther stOurie stuDier stuiVer suiterS surFeit sWither thriVes tiThers triuNes tusherY tushieS uNiters Virtues Withers Writhes Wuthers Zithers

Extensions: hirsuteNESS hirsuteNESSES

Sub-anagrams: eh er ers erst es et eth eths etui etuis he heir heirs heist her hers hes hest het hets hi hie hies hire hires his hist hit hits hue hues hurst hurt hurts hut huts ire ires is it ither its re rei reis res resh resit rest ret rets rhus rise rite rites rue rues ruse rush rust rut ruth ruths ruts sei ser set sh she shier shire shirt shri shut shute si sieur sir sire sit site sith sri stir sue suer suet suit suite suiter sure the their theirs thir this thru thus ti tie tier tiers ties tire tires tis tres tries true trues tui tuis tush tushie uh us use user usher ut ute uteri utes uts

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